Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Samaritan Purse Shoebox Fiesta in the Federal Prison

I have purposely cut off the faces of most of the adults.

For me, Sheri, this was a very emotional day. Being able to be a part of ministering to the men and their families.

Families are allowed to visit their spouses for the weekends. Not all show up each week, some only once a month or even less.

Watching the interaction between the fathers and their children really touched me.

Pastor Damian gave a short sermon about how Jesus died and paid for our sins. We are forgiven, paid for. Five prisoners gave their hearts to Christ for the first time and eight rededicated their lives to Christ. They are paid for!

Then as we gave out the shoeboxes we stamped "Paid for" on their arms. They all wanted to be sure they got their mark that they were paid for.

Two Canadian gals joined us. One of the gals help each year in her home town to receive the shoeboxes,  so it was extra special to her.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sharing Hope at the Federal Prison

Pastor Damian reported a beautiful program held within the regional San Pedro Pochutla Federal prison giving hope and focus for the mission of “One Hope Huatulco” and at the same time extending the Kingdom of God to men deprived of their liberty and showing them how Salvation and forgiveness of their sins.Telling them and their families that we are working to support them with a place for their families to live in dignity with their children providing a bit of food both material and spiritual and giving thanks to God by His Word. More than eight men gave their life to God and approximately twenty were reconciled with God. Many prisoners families are waiting to join the people of Una Esperanza Huatulco. The prison authorities were very happy for this event which You support. You are a part of all these achievements. There were over 470 people who attended this event. written by Damian Cruz Vasquez

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pastor Damian announced today that this coming Monday they have been permitted to put on a special musical with Mario and his family, an evangelistic event at the Pochutla Oaxaca Federal Prison. It will be held in the main center patio. There are over 400 inmates at this time. This is a very special opportunity and we ask for your prayers that God will send a move of God at this event.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Bibles for the Prison

I was able to walk out of the prison Sunday the 3rd of December!

I still feel the sensation of having been bodily frisked and then ushered through a heavy metal door and left for several minutes alone on the other side of the door. I looked up through some barbed wire at the polished boots of one of the guards. I mentally put myself into others shoes who had passed through these doors before me. Particularly Pastor Damian and his precious wife Roselina.