Monday, December 4, 2006

Bibles for the Prison

I was able to walk out of the prison Sunday the 3rd of December!

I still feel the sensation of having been bodily frisked and then ushered through a heavy metal door and left for several minutes alone on the other side of the door. I looked up through some barbed wire at the polished boots of one of the guards. I mentally put myself into others shoes who had passed through these doors before me. Particularly Pastor Damian and his precious wife Roselina.

Pastor Damian about twelve years ago had committed a crime. He had to pay the consequences and he served 10 years in the prison in Pochultla, Oaxaca Mexico.

While in prison Damian he was given the responsibility of pastor within this prison. He with the help of the other inmates talked the prison authorities into letting them convert an area on the roof of the prison and they themselves paid for and put up a roof and painted the area for a church. Over the next six years Pastor Damian had the privilege of baptizing over 240 inmates.

After serving his time in prison he decided to return each week and continue as a leader of the church in this prison. In talking to he and his wife this wasn't easy to go through those doors again, even as a free man. I think I can relate just a little from my recent experience.

This last Sunday he invited his congregation from La Cruzacita Huatulco and myself to join him for a service. They brought food to feed the inmates who came to service and Bibles that you helped Agape Missions purchase. There were about 45 inmates, plus the church from Huatulco and some spouses and family of some of the inmates. They have a new in-house pastor who just shines with the joy of his hope in Christ. I'll share his story someday.

After the beautiful worship time and Pastor Damian preaching three men came forward to accept Christ. We also handed out ten Bibles for some of the men who didn't have one. There were two women inmates also who came to the service. Afterward many came up to me to talk. Several spoke some English. I later learned there are four gringos incarcerated in this prison and at least one of them is teaching others to speak English. So they wanted to practice their English on me. I was able to encourage some of the inmates and just let them talk. It was a very emotional day.

As we were leaving I was introduced to one of the "gringo" men about my own age. He said "I am in here" I answered "I'm in here to." He said, "true but you can walk out" and of course I did. I probably will return from time to time.

We, Agape Missions, have been able to obtain credentials for Pastor Damian so he can enter other jails through out the state of Oaxaca. I understand there are 32 state jails. He would like to help start churches in any of these institutions without a mission and minister in all of them.

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